Module list
amalthea | |
amalthea.crypto | The module contains the Streebog cryptographic hash function and several simple cryptographic functions. |
amalthea.csv | The module contains several useful functions for convenient operations on CSV file contents. |
amalthea.dataprocessing | The module contains some useful functions for data processing, including functions for working with dynamic arrays and associative arrays, functions for working with command line arguments, operations on arrays as sets, some functions for working with strings, etc. |
amalthea.decimal | The module contains the an implementation of the Decimal data type. |
amalthea.dialog | Wrapper for the "dialog" utility for pseudo-graphic user interface. |
amalthea.encoding | This module provides an implementation of the KOI8R and KOI8U encodings (compatible with std.encoding.EncodingScheme), and the encodeText() function (based on libiconv) to translate text from any encoding to any other encoding. |
amalthea.fileformats | The module implements recognition of file formats. |
amalthea.fs | The module provides many function related to files. |
amalthea.langlocal | The module implements the simplest system for creating language localizations. |
amalthea.libcore | |
amalthea.math | The module contains several mathematical functions. |
amalthea.matrixmath | Set of elementary functions for working with matrices. | | Some useful functions based on |
amalthea.optional | The module provides the Optional data type. |
amalthea.sys | The module provides mostly wrappers for low-level system functions, including functions for mounting/unmounting file systems, functions for working with loop devices, functions for getting information about users and groups, functions for mappings, for working with signals, etc. |
amalthea.terminal | Some simple functions for TTY. |
amalthea.time | Several functions for working with time data and for sleeping. |